24400 Sinacola Ct
Suite B
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
(Located in the Crown Granite building showroom)
(248) 419-4487

Mission Statement:
The Oakland County Foster Closet offers supportive services, supplies, and aid to children in the foster
care system and to those in crisis situations at no cost. It is our mission to foster hope, love, and
community one child at a time!
HOURS: Mon 10-4 • Tue 12-4 • Wed, Thu, Fri 10-2 • Saturday and Sunday Closed
Mission Statement:
The Oakland County Foster Closet offers supportive services, supplies, and aid to children in the foster care system and to those in crisis situations at no cost. It is our mission to foster hope, love, and community one child at a time!
One of our 'sister' closets in another county posted this after receiving a donation of some very soiled baby equipment. We thought the following guidelines would be great to share.
Here are some simple guidelines for donating to Foster Closets:
1. If you are getting rid of it because you don’t have all the pieces, we can’t use it either.
2. If you are getting rid of it because it’s dirty to the point of no return or don't have time to clean it, we can’t use it either.
3. If you are donating it because it’s broken or torn, we can’t use it either.
4. If you are donating it because you would never let your child use it, most likely, neither will someone else & we can’t use it either.
5. If you are cleaning out your child's rooms, don’t mix trash & donation items in one bag. Use two separate bags & only donate the usable items, not the combined trash & clothes.
6. If you are donating it because the item is recalled or unsafe, we can’t use it either.
Please CLEAN EVERYTHING! Children in foster care or whose parents are struggling deserve to have nice things just like any other kids & that is what we strive to achieve!