24400 Sinacola Ct
Suite B
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
(Located in the Crown Granite building showroom)
(248) 419-4487

Mission Statement:
The Oakland County Foster Closet offers supportive services, supplies, and aid to children in the foster
care system and to those in crisis situations at no cost. It is our mission to foster hope, love, and
community one child at a time!
HOURS: Mon 10-4 • Tue 12-4 • Wed, Thu, Fri 10-2 • Saturday and Sunday Closed
Mission Statement:
The Oakland County Foster Closet offers supportive services, supplies, and aid to children in the foster care system and to those in crisis situations at no cost. It is our mission to foster hope, love, and community one child at a time!
How we can help you...
OCFC helps reduce the financial strain a new placement can place on a foster family by freeing up funds that would otherwise be used to fulfill immediate needs. These needs are not always met immediately or in full by the State and that is where we step in. Meeting these needs allow foster parents to be able to use the funds saved to help the children adapt to their new home life in other ways.
This is what we need from you at your FIRST visit:
Foster Care / Adoption / Guardianship
Current Michigan ID
Placement paperwork for EACH child
Adoption papers of EACH child
Legal court guardianship of EACH child
Low Income
Current Michigan ID
Birth certificate for EACH child
Active Michigan EBT card with client's name